Champagne Chair Contest

Rob Forbes | 12-23-2014


Just before Thanksgiving I opened a big green box that had been sitting in my storage room for years unmolested. I thought it held Christmas tree ornaments.  What I found instead were over thirty “champagne chair” studies from a contest we had done maybe ten years ago at DWR.  After the contest, these three-dozen chairs were featured in a show with Barcelona-based Vincon run by our close pal Fernando Amat.


The chairs also served as Thanksgiving dinner table bling at my house, where they were a big hit and the subject of much discussion.  I’d forgotten how magical, creative, and quirky these little guys are, and what personality they carry.  The Champagne Chair Contest dates back to the late 1990s, when my dear friend Wayne, who was hospitalized, sent me a champagne chair to congratulate us on getting DWR off the ground. The chair sat on my desk for months, where it was picked up, admired and loved by just about everyone who saw it.  We launched the first DWR Champagne Chair Contest as a memorial to Wayne. The contest was a huge hit, and continue to be an annual event at DWR.

DWR has invited me to be a judge in this year’s contest. How cool is that?  The contest runs from December 19 to January 12. Here are the details.

